Monday, January 4, 2010


Cleaning rooms is NOT a fun thing to do.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Finally, oh 2010!

It's been a while since my last post here. I guess I never had a suitable mood to scribble any news here. Oh well, I kinda persuaded myself to spill some flashing news about new years. Not to be too judgmental or anything about what has been going on last year, but indeed I do screwed up most of the time and I can say there was also some achievement which I am personally proud of. Hahahha! 2009 was a really great year, which I can say literally. I met those who inspiring, and some of jerks as well. :P Randomly, I somehow could not erased sweet memorable moments and dramas happening around me. I deeply apologized to those who I hurt unintentionally. :D

Pointing out the New Year's Eve was a speechless description. Celebrating it with loved ones is what I'm looking forward to and there, I have it! God riddance, I'm out of words! Surprisingly, it was the best new year ever. I know who I should thanked for that. ^___^

I just hope that this year will bring more exciting and fun drama to play a role into it. :)