Thursday, February 16, 2012


Why must we complicate some things in life? It's some kind of a curse on human, we tend to complicate things even it is meant to be solved easier. Why ah? I sometimes questioned myself why make small matter into bigger problems. 

Somehow, sometimes, it is better to leave it complicated rather than just blurt out the truth. TRUE STORY.

Missing somebody. 
When a friend of yours missing his/her partner so bad. And there you go telling them to call straight away. There's this word called, EGO. "Oh, I want him to call me first bah. I don't want to be like calling him everyday, every minute checking him out." Haha. It happened to me before. You don't want to be like obviously missing him like crazy. This is the situation where we on purposely make things complicated. 

Haiya, call saja bah. Bukan susah.
Senang cakap.

When you happened to be dislike or uncomfortable with someone else, you cannot just point it out and said" Hey you bitch! Shut your mouth boleh kah? I don't like you! If you did this, you might just start a drama and end up make things much more complicated. Kan? 

See, things are meant to be complicated. It blended so well with us. Cannot avoid one bah.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sucks to be ME.

Wednesday, 15th February 2012.

Still stuck in the office with loads of work need to be done. If only I have my own ride I could run back to my husband and son's arm, laid back and have some peace in mind as soon as the clock strikes 6 o'clock. Tired of all these blue files on my desk, keep piling without any sympathy. Tired. Tired. Tired. Not to mention, stress keep haunting me, I could say "he" is my loyal companion for now. I might be insanely laughing without any worries but the truth is, I am so restless. 

Working in private sector could be daunting. Piles of work, but in the end, you will never satisfied with the paycheck. Not worth at all. What to do lah kan? I obviously do not have any choice as nowadays it is very hard to land a good job with good salary. 


Can't. Stop. Whining.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


No matter what date it is, my love to you will always grow fonder.

No matter what  the occasion is, my love to you will always get stronger.

I don't need any specified date or days to show how much I appreciate you.
I'll do it everyday, as much as I can.

Three words to describe.
Three words to say.
I love you.