Friday, December 4, 2009

The L word.


...................there's just no end of it......

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Goodbye, bed.

I just save a fish life. I should be proud, am I?

Today I skipped class cause I could not resist how fun it is to sleep while heavily raining outside. and can I be proud of this one too? :P

Friday, October 2, 2009


Today I learned something beautiful.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009



Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Things are getting "spicy" enough these days for me. But, I'm quite glad that some things turned to normal-mode now. I don't understand why problem keeps bugging me. Well, I'm trying real hard to be optimist now.

For sure. :)

School isn't that bad recently. Have a few test last week, and felt terribly devastated cause I know I did not do well in that. Oh well, I just have to face it that I am truly a lazy bumpy grumpy. I really dislike economy and the lecturer really needs adjustment for the way he thought us. >.

and another thing,
I spend too much now.
But I don't know what I spent on to. I need to save for the sake of KL trip next October with Hazel. Or else, I'll be wandering around watching sadly people grabbing stuff here and there and I have to say NO for crazy-shopping-session!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

It kills me with razor blade

Love is like mud and if you fall on it, it may leave a stain and some temporary pain.
But you will get over the pain somehow, it will eventually stop hurting.
Now maybe the stain ruined my favorite jeans or maybe it was nothing special that was ruined.
But either way, the stain remains there.
And with time, it will begin to fade.
But it will always be there.
It's like a permanent reminder that me, too, once fell

and Ohh,

Innocent victims of Cupid,
Remember this terse little verse;
To let a fool kiss you is stupid, To let a kiss fool you is worse.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

La la land Machine

*WhenLa la la GirlgetCrazeyyy*

Class is canceled in a very last minute. =="! My next class is on 6pm so I'm like stranded in UMS for hours. Library also not opened yet and so as the cafe. I'm hunggggryyyy. I eat a lot this few days. Seriously, a LOT. I'm 49kg now. Wahahahhahahahha! and and plus, I'm bloated. *Sigh* Someone is getting really really worried about my weight, very much worried than me. Don't worry, I lose weight easily. LOL!

Ohh my, I don't know what else to do. I'm crapping.
I found this clip form Marhanda the Indonesian actress.
I like her hair color. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Popping Pills and Chasing Thrills

Not hiding anything. No secret involved. It's just that the right timing is not there.....yet.
Patience, is demanding. No matter what, everything stays the same. Nothing is change, even a tiny difference won't exist. But instead, it grows into a gigantic feelings, expanding with infinity.

Quotes of the day: Things in life can happen without warning. :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Can't stop smiling :)

I bought a new lappy today.

Okay, it's undeniable I am so excited, I mean like over excited, over joyed, over react and overwhelm about it! It's been like agggeeeess I am lonely without somewhat called LAPTOP. My goodness! It was like so dull and plain. Hahahahs! *Excited state can't stop*

Saturday, August 15, 2009


After having two-hours sleeping last night, I feel (O_0) *high*. Similar with the feeling of consuming pills or drugs LOL! Mcm pernah ambil niba. :P The whole sleep-sacrifice-thingie is for the sake of midterm test, which I do not managed to finish revising according to the exact timeline. Duh.

So, yeah, consenquenes was: only had so little time on the bed.

Basically today is fine.
An additional of tiresome, a cup of saturated brain, tea spoon of anger, dozens of big bags missing-the-oh-so-lovely and mixed-emotions ice blended. After struggling spinning the brains and spitting out information, my head cleared out. I can feel the gravity, finally.

Just now went out with Pinoy Guy. I miss you already! <3

Underneath this Feelin'

Sometimes things happened really fast till you don't know it's coming to you
No need early judgment. I don't mind. I don't even care.
I took the risk, again. I don't want to play safe, I play real hard this time. :)
and of course NO HIGH EXPECTATION.
But still I want to win this game. Seriously.

I'm so in the atmospheric of emotions right now.
Don't shut it down, Love.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I don't get you. Seriously, you never changed. I thought so that you will always, I mean like A-L-W-A-Y-S stay the same. and I can see why I should not turn back and picking up all the pieces I had left way behind me. I wanted all the pieces should left unsolved, never will I put back those pieces come back together anymore. I have my own new frame with a nice picture inside it, beautifully hang onto this wall. and I gonna make sure that this picture would never be torn apart, ripped away but instead I cherished it with all the strength I have.

With all the last mock that you have said, I don't even bother listened to it.
I don't care. I don't mind. I don't give a damn to any of it.
You may say I hurt you in so many ways now.
Owh really?
What about me? The old days that you had treat me like a bitch.
Do you even THINK what I felt at that moment?
You're hoping that I will get hurt after this, so WHAT? I don't care if you just put curse on me.
Even so there's somewhat called KARMA, what comes around goes around.
You just bang and hit yourself terribly for what you had done before.

You said you're not stupid.
and so AM I! I'M NOT STUPID!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The Horlicks one Nescafe one (H1N1) pandemic disease is totally freak everyone out, including me. LOL I have fevers three days in a row, sore throat, headache, I almost have half of the symptoms! I went to hospital for check up but THANKS to GOD, it was only a regular fever. Phewww. and it's like almost everybody catch fever right now. Scaryyyyy!


and oh, btw, Pinoy Guy just came back from his vacation. Hahahah.
I get one FULL bag of souvenirs!
Thanks MUNYIT!

Friday, July 31, 2009


I'm consuming 5 pills of paracetamol in this early morning and I just can't get enough of it. Addicted? Bahahahhaha. Nah. The head is really hurt, I mean headache. Head-ache, sakit kepala, oruol tulu, tou teng......what else? LOL See, I'm crapping again. Past few days, I used the brain too much. May be somehow it reach its maximum level and over used. Hahaha! Seriously I need to rest. =="!
Sustain healthy life peaps!
an apple a day keeps the doctor away.