Sunday, April 11, 2010

Almost 9 months prego!

Supposedly I wanted to go to the church this morning it was cancelled by my cannot-endure-stomach-pain. I thought that the time has come and I was proven wrong. It was only a false alarm. (Relieved)

I've been hearing thing lately. The you-know-what sounds scared the hell out of me! Maybe the "thing" knows that I'm going to deliver soon. Aiya, betul la cakap orang tua-tua ni. :( Well, I cannot 100% sure the "thing" is really that "thing". But you know, scary things may appear. I'm so not going to imagine what the worse could happen!

I cannot wait to deliver my baby boy. It's very anticipating and I'm dying to know how will he look like. Will he be like his daddy or mommy? Hahahha. I just hope for the best then. Praying hard that he will be fine and normal is more than enough for me. :) Mommy loves you dear, Kael!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

8th May!

Pampering myself today with the finest weather was really soothing. It was raining this afternoon, which is rare to happened. Thank God it's raining! :)) I just cannot stand the heat and even worse now I'm heavily pregnant. It is really really uncomfortable. Uugh! Well, I'm experiencing what they-called it Braxton Hicks contraction. Totally uncomfy! Pain here and there especially on my back and pelvic part. Feels like I want to deliver, but not yet. Cannot imagine how it really feels when the real-contractions begin. Gosh. Being a prego it's not an easy issue to handle. I need to prepare for minds and soul. :))

I watched the Kardashian's show just now. Kourtney was giving birth to her first baby and she was damn calm and I don't remember watching her to be sort of like panic or screaming. I guess I should too. I've been worrying and freaking out waiting for the big day. I even imagining stuff, which is the horrible part. Of course I cannot wait for my little guy to come out. And, I also notice that thinking too much how I am going to endure the pain later would not helping me at all. I should be more positive and calm! The jaw-dropping moment seeing Kourtney experiencing her delivery was, she was able to take a bath and put some make-up before going to the hospital, right after her air-ketuban pecah! LOL I need that courage from her!

I just hope that baby Kael won't come out in the middle I'm doing my exam. It will be the most amusing moment if he do want to come out while I am busy spilling answers in exam's answer sheet! Lord, help me on this! The expected date will be on 8th May and my last paper is on 3rd May!! I've read that only 5% of the baby will come out according the expected date. Okay, massive-scary-info there. Well, I just hope things will be going smoothly later. :D

Still have tonnes of assignments to crawled in to.
Brain freeze!
xo everyone! :))