Sunday, April 11, 2010

Almost 9 months prego!

Supposedly I wanted to go to the church this morning it was cancelled by my cannot-endure-stomach-pain. I thought that the time has come and I was proven wrong. It was only a false alarm. (Relieved)

I've been hearing thing lately. The you-know-what sounds scared the hell out of me! Maybe the "thing" knows that I'm going to deliver soon. Aiya, betul la cakap orang tua-tua ni. :( Well, I cannot 100% sure the "thing" is really that "thing". But you know, scary things may appear. I'm so not going to imagine what the worse could happen!

I cannot wait to deliver my baby boy. It's very anticipating and I'm dying to know how will he look like. Will he be like his daddy or mommy? Hahahha. I just hope for the best then. Praying hard that he will be fine and normal is more than enough for me. :) Mommy loves you dear, Kael!

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