Monday, June 21, 2010


Officially become a mother on 13th May 2010!

The pain, hardship, it is all worth it after seeing my newborn baby boy. I was in tears and cannot stop smiling from the first time I saw nurses pushing the trolley next to me. The baby is MINE. My very own precious baby! My God. I never felt happier than before, and there's no reason not to feel in content with abundant love and joy when I see him.

It's been a while I abandoned my blog. LOL.
It feels good to have a chance to write some back.

Baby Azrael Aden-Kael is one month old!
My love is expanding infinitely everyday! <3


swingoflife said...

Happy for you gf.
bha tukar tu "about me"
sda jdi mom kn, not 'soon to be mom" hehe~

K A T H said...

wakakakka! Right after I saw and read ur blog I miss writing! Muahx!