Friday, July 2, 2010

People changed.

Reminiscing about past was truly hit me real hard. There goes the sweet and juicy moments with friends I always hang out with (used to) and also the "incident" that pouch my heart, and I'm not planning to talk about it - again. :)

The thing is, I missed them, who I assume to be my other family. Like brothers and sisters. But things have changed so far. For me, currently, there are huge walls that separate and some sort of isolation going on. Sometimes it bothers me a LOT. I always have to switch my brain to another part so that I wont kept thinking about unnecessary stuff. I am so glad that some of them still with me. But the feeling of being alone sometimes I failed to get rid of. Deep inside, I missed to go up front doing praise and worship. For the time being, or I don't know for how long I have to back off. I guess I am not that 'approved' to do things what I used to do back then. Well, it is hard for me to mingle with everyone else again. May be my self esteem has just gone somewhere. Nevertheless, I am not losing my faith to Him. Being able to pray every day is more than enough for me. I have never felt blessed and such content in this life more than before.

Friends who always be there for me ( you know who you are girlfriends), I could not expressed how I really appreciate all those words that strengthen every second of my life. I don't want to be a cry-baby here, but I miss you guys already!


swingoflife said...

Whats up? Everything ok there?

K A T H said...

nothing serious dear. just have a thought on something. heheh thx for everything darling. u've been really a good friend for me. in fact, more than friends, we're like sisters! i love u!